Sound is touch from a distance

My name is Sam, let me tell you about what I’m doing.

I’m engaging in the act of learning through the creation of audio soundscapes, using this medium as a tool to explore and understand the complexities of the human creative psyche. By weaving a unique tapestry of sound, I delve into the intricacies of the human condition.

Utilizing the cut-up technique, a method that has its roots in early 20th-century avant-garde movements, I dissect and rearrange spoken interviews. This method allows me to produce innovative sound compositions, but also to deepen my understanding of the topics and themes presented. By reshaping these conversations, I breathe new life into them, introducing fresh narratives and perspectives.

These fragmented vocal snippets are harmoniously blended with original recordings I personally capture. These range from the ambient hum of a bustling city street to the intimate rhythm of a heartbeat.

The pieces that emerge are more than just audio compositions; they are sonic collages that invite listeners on a profound journey where memory, sensation, and imagination intersect and meld.

Through this ongoing process, my goal is to use sound as a medium to evoke emotion, narrate stories, and inspire reflection on the nature of creativity and the breadth of human experience.

Sam Strauss-Malcolm - 09/10/23